Click on NEW BLOG
Title your new blog for your artwork
If you need to change the name of your artwork blog, look on the tools listed on the left column, select Layout. Scroll down to the Header box. Click on edit. Type in the new name of your Blog. Scroll down to SAVE. Now that it is saved, then go back up to the top and click on SAVE ARRANGEMENT.
Choose an address.
Go with one that is free. If you add 'wahi' to it, I guarantee it will be free. You can also change the address if necessary. Be sure to give me the new address so that all the links are current.
Choose a template
A Google Domains window will open, CLOSE IT. Just continue on...
New Post (AKA add a new piece of artwork)
When you finish your artwork you will make a new post for it on your blog.
To make a new post, press the new post button. A new document will come up. First add a title at the top bar, such as a description of your project "Beautiful Blog".
Add Pictures and other stuff
Next you will add pictures of your sketch, process, and finished artwork.
You will need to save sketch pictures, process pictures, or time lapse videos to your school Google Drive, if the From Your Phone option doesn't work.
To Add a picture, click on the picture icon next to the word Link on the toolbar.
There are some choices listed across the top of the new window on where you can pull the pictures from: Upload, From Google Album Archive, From Your Phone. I chose this photo of my dog, Tug, From Google Album Archive.
I am not sure if the Archived Photo Album is a special folder or something so I am going to have to look into that.
You can also click on the picture and choose what size you want it to be. This picture of Tug is Medium size. If you have artwork with a lot of detail you may want to choose a bigger size so the detail will show.
The picture below was Uploaded. I pressed the upload option and it took me to my Drive folders. With this picture of Blossom, I changed the size to XLarge, because it was taken further away. Now that it's bigger, you can see Blossom's face better.
To add a video, click on the icon that looks like a "Directors Action board." From there you again will chose the source of the video. In this video we see Knutles showing Blossom how to get the job done.
Artist Habit: Understand Art World
To show that you learned something about an artist or the art world in general, you will need to include the website or video that inspired you or provided the information. To do this, type the title of the website, article, or video on your blog. Go to the website, and copy the URL. Go back to your blog and paste that URL under the title. Once pasted, then click on the Link button up in the toolbar.
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